
Costa Rica Las Lajas


This stunning Costa Rican coffee is grown in a small region hidden away in the foothills of the Poas Volcano called Sabanilla. This proximity to nutrient rich volcanic soil and a generally dynamic growing enviroment allows Las Lajas to produce some amazing coffees year after year.

The black honey process is the most intense flavour profile of all honey processed coffees. The coffee is first pulped and left out on African Raised Beds to dry. After one day has passed the coffee is turned and then left untouched until it reaches a moisture level of 11%. This differs from traditional honey processes which would turn the coffee regularly to accellerate the drying process. By drawing out the drying process the sugars mature gently resulting in a more intense flavour profile.

Region   : Sabanilla
Varietal  :  Caturra & Catuai
Process  :  Black Honey

Flavour Notes : Mandarin, Grape, Chamomile

Roast Level : Single Origin Espresso Profile

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